
Showing posts from November, 2021
  Superstitions Vs Ancient Hindu Ideology  Episode 2:  "Child Marriage -A logical or illogical Scientific concepts in Hinduism" बाल  विवाह - तार्किक या अतार्किक वैज्ञानिक हिन्दू विचारधारा   Marriage is social custom which is having much more Importance in Hinduism as compared to any other religion in world, here it said, marriage is knot between two individual which remain throughout life and even in next birth, here is concept of Ardhangini ( अर्धांगिनी ) which show how a lady is having importance in her men’s life,   The scriptures accord to a wife the status of a queen. Hindu ancestors went even further – they blessed the bride by saying:   “murdhanam patyuraroha” - May your husband keep you on his head, This means, “may he respect you above all”.   There is another question in the Yaksha Prashna episode where this subject comes up:   kimsvid daivakrtaha sakha (Who is a man’s God-given friend?)   Yudhishtira’s answer was: bharya daivakrtaha sakha (A m