Episode 1- "Cat crossing path is good or bad"-"बिल्ली का रास्ता काटना , अन्धविश्वास या प्राचीन विज्ञानं "


I have been thinking to write some thing about Indian ancient Science and literature  - However could not be done due to busy in life's other target. Later I found, Time and Money will never be enough for any one , we will keep changing money and time simultaneously and will never get them as per our wish hence decided to pen down something as tribute to Hinduism science and art of living.

Indian Civilization is full of mystery ,Science , Art and gradual progress of mankind with discovering new relationship with nature and utilizing them to benefit the society or can say Art of living.

Going forward I will try to Introduce to you some scientific concept of Hinduisms,  which is supposed as Superstition, but in my facts they are purely science which lost their scientific facts with the time being or with the negative influence of British and Muslims Invaders of India who not only ruined our wealth but also our scientific knowledge.

Without talking much - I am introducing to you my first episode-

                                                                    Episode :1😎

"Cat crossing path is good or bad"("बिल्ली का रास्ता काटना , अन्धविश्वास या प्राचीन विज्ञानं ")

It is quite often, we had/have been told since our knowingness that If a cat cross road ahead to you , Just stop and wait for a while before proceeding - so, this is superstition or  Scientific Fact? you will find that most of the people consider this as superstition, if these are superstition ,why our forefathers /ancestors had faith on this and they inherit the same to us ? You may say, science was not developed that time as it today, but what If I say, Science was much developed in those day than today!!

Let me explain : 

now let us have understanding of a geological fact first , 🙄

on the earth we live , each day there is several thousands of earthquake occurred within lithosphere of earth however we know the impact when its magnitude reach to more than 5-l degree on Richter scale ,Earthquakes are a sudden phenomenon. Seismologists have no way of knowing exactly when or where the next one will hit. An estimated 500,000 detectable quakes occur in the world each year. Of those, 100,000 can be felt by humans, and 100 cause damage. 

hence it clear that earth suffer from several earthquakes on daily basis on anywhere in the continents or in sea-earthquakes generally radiate seismic waves mainly in the frequency range of 0.01 to 10 Hz, even if they can generate higher frequencies..

coming to second scientific facts : 🙄

The external ear, of the cat, is large, upright, and cone-shaped. As any ear would, it acts to both catch and amplify sound waves. The cat’s ear can amplifies sound waves 2 to 3 times for frequencies between 2000 and 6000 Hertz (Hz).

Cats can move its ear around as much as 180 degrees, this is aided by about 30 sets of muscles (humans only have 6 sets). This enables the cat to focus on the sound source, but even cats can't move their ears fast enough to localize sounds.

Humans and cats share the same level of hearing at around 20 Hz, but the difference in high frequency sound limits is vast. Humans can hear frequencies of up to 20,000 Hz, dogs hear around 45,000 Hz, cats up to 64,000 Hz, and mice up to 95,000 Hz. We are most sensitive to sounds of around 3,000 Hz.

So from above facts it is clear cat and earthquake had /has some relationship : now back to our core concepts : 

as in  India Society cat had never been a common pet , cat is supposed to be a nocturnal animal who do not changes their habitat often in day time -now connect the above two facts , when a cat listen /observe any unpredicted sound /odd observations ,they try to left the place and run away -now when they do, our ancestors warned us to not move or stay calm for a while because there is strong possibility that anything unusual can happen , as earthquake is often a matter of seconds hence it was advised to stay calm for few seconds so that any unpleasant event which cat has predicted can be avoided - 

with the time being this super scientific fact of Hinduism lost its nature and converted to a Superstition - and our young generations makes fun of it - if you remember in Japan famous earthquake incidents claimed huge loss in early years of twentieth centaury, many videos' circulated where cat left the houses before giant earthquake and that's why cat is most common pet  in highest earthquake prone Japan continent - 

now the days many western scientists are working on this fact and you can google many articles which explains association of animal behavior with earthquake or any similar incidents specially for cat and other animal - many south east countries have special study center on animal behaviors to predict the same.

If you agree or do not agree with the facts , pls comment. This will encourage my learning to discover such facts , I do not claim their scientific validity , it is just my point of view and effort to link a relationship of modern day science with our tradition and culture , it may be true or may not be 😛




will bring next similar episode soon .


  1. Hello

    It's a wonderful initiative to bring forth such topic of interest in the current scenario when Indian youth is distracted and condemning or neglecting every facts or rituals now and then ; which our forefathers used to practice.

    Our history is compromised when it's written by the historians. They did immense effort to portray Our history as our Mythology and today we can see debates going on in social media about the truthfulness of Ramayana and Mahabharata.

    It's a need of an hour that elite and literate class should come forward and bring back the glory of our Ancient past by reviewing Great knowledge of past. And it's good to see many like you are coming forward.

    It's very well written post with deep understanding of Science. Looking forward for the next episode.

    All the best.



  2. "If a book is written well and tells a great story, it has more of a chance of making a difference in people's lives."
    It seems so right after reading the blog.

    Looking forward for such good episodes.


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