Superstition Vs Ancient Hindu Ideology :EPISODE 3-

"Theory of relativity of time: By Einstein: How it relates to ancient Hindu Science and customs – How the same is related to the story of Krishan as 'Ranchhod Das Maharaj'.

Defining HINDUISM has never been easy for any philosopher or any learner / scholar.

The term 'Hinduism' came much later into existence (around 4000 BC), while Hindu tradition and rituals had been following since much before, people came across from west of NWP defined all civilization across the east of river SINDHU as Hindu (laterally derived from word River SINDHU).

While going through all the rituals I personally felt that our Hindu Ideology has been scientifically defining many things even much before the western world findings, going forward in this part lets discuss how TWIN PARADOX THEORY is related to Sri Krishna' advent ........

In the Twin paradox Theory ,given by one of the great modern scientists Mr. Einstein, A scenario has been described where In a hypothetical situation; two twins: One of them remained on earth and the second one is sent into space in a rocket nearly as fast as the speed of light, both spend their lives in two different dimensions, after a span of 40-50 years -when the twins will be reunited on Earth, one who went to space will be markedly younger, compared to one who stayed on earth -the one stayed on earth will be a mature person of the age of 40-50 years -while the space boy/girl will have little effect on age – Herein lay man’s language what defined is,  Time is another DIMENSION and time in space is quite slow as compared to earth. 

Now come to Hindu Mythology 

Let’s have the story of Krishna …….

A king named Muchukunda fought on behalf of Deva's in 'Devasur Sangram' and after the victory of Devta, he insist lord Indra send him back to earth (PRITHVI LOK), Indra said to him WHERE WILL YOU GO NOW?, TIME IN INDRALOK IS MUCH FASTER THAN ON EARTH, NOW ON EARTH KINGDOM OF YOUR DYNASTY HAD BEEN ENDED MUCH BEFORE  NO ONE OF LEFT AS YOUR HEIR, however, the king was remained stubborn and agreed on lord Indra to send him back to earth, although when King landed on earth, no belongings of him was left on earth so he decided for an endless pronunciation, Krishna was knowing this and when KALYAWANI named devil who was blessed to be killed by a person who remained alive since two YUG.
Somehow Kavyavani got trapped in Krishna's plan and got killed by the King too when he was chasing Krishna in Dwarika. He followed him in Dwarika and Krishna lead him to the king and due to some confusion Kalyavani attacked King and got killed as he was blessed/cursed.

Now let’s have look on a Hindu Tradition

In Hinduism – for any auspicious occasion we have a specific time schedule i.e., marriage, engagement, 'mundan sanskar', etc.- we get a calculation of good times from a known scholar of Hindu tradition- now think, this time is generally available after three to four months gap and often we heard from our parents /grandparents/Family Pandits, that Devata is not awakened yet hence when they will wake-up good times will start and they will give a specific time schedule for a specific occasion that we call 'MUHURT' (however Muhurt calculation includes many others aspects like position of stars, rotation of earth and other celestial bodies etc. )– here one night of Hindu Devta may be equal to 3-4 or sometimes 5-6 months as compared to earth means time is slow as compared to earth that’s why they took 3-4 months gap to attend any special occasion to bless – now you think why in Hindu mythology you cannot have a marriage any time like in other religions- because we supposed our ancestors / Devta lived in space (heaven) and their time is slow as compared to us

Here from the above two narrations, we can draw inferences that what had been said in the 19th century – same had been told in Hinduism much before.
Suppose all stories are fake. still, they were mostly written in 3rd -4th century that means concept had been derived since then.

I hope you are enjoying reading concepts of Ancient Hindu-Science.

Until next time,



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